If a class is full, you can add yourself to the waitlist.
You can be added into a class up to one hour before the class starts and will be notified via email.
When adding yourself to a waitlist, you are committing to attend that class if a space becomes available. It is your responsibility to check if you have got in off the waitlist.
Treat the waitlist as you would a regular booking and cancel your spot on the waitlist if you no longer wish to attend. This will give the next person in line a chance to get in.
If you’re on the waitlist for a morning class and don’t plan on waking up early to check if you got in, remove yourself from the waitlist before you go to bed. Remember you can still receive waitlist notifications when you’re asleep. Our 6am and 7am classes run on a 12 hour cancellation policy.
Make sure you have enabled email notifications. You can do this in the app under Profile, settings, notifications, schedule reminders.
Lifted Staff have a contact log on your profile so we can check which emails were sent to you, when you received it, and when you opened it.
If you have opted out of notifications, you will need to open the app to check if you made it into a class from the waitlist.
If you get into class off the waitlist and late cancel or no show the class, late cancellation our policy is still in place.
In the final one hour before a class commences, the waitlist system will no longer automatically add clients to the class if a space becomes available. Check the class schedule in the final hour or so before your desired class, if a spot becomes available you can skip the waitlist line and book straight in!